Doctor properly disciplined for prescribing with unrenewed Rx registration February 11, 2016 To read more, please [...]
High rejection rate of fingerprint data causes concern February 4, 2016 Requiring fingerprints should be a simple method to weed out prospective licensees with a criminal history—right? Not so [...]
Governor steps in to get classmate’s pending revocation cut to fine December 18, 2015 A three-year investigation of an Oklahoma surgeon who allegedly botched numerous operations that resulted in patients being [...]
OK licensing execs get 25%+ boosts in salary December 1, 2014 Some Oklahoma licensing board executives saw sizable bumps in their salaries following a pay study authorized by the state [...]
“Turning in” license to avoid discipline not an option November 6, 2014 An Oklahoma doctor charged with overprescribing painkillers argues the state medical board didn’t have authority to [...]