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Board to discipline vet over cat-killing Facebook brag

A Texas veterinarian who boasted on social media about killing a cat with a bow and arrow has been fired from her place of employment and reprimanded by the state veterinarian board, according to a KBXT news report.

Dr. Kristen Lindsey, a licensed veterinarian since 2012, posted a photo of her holding an arrow sticking through the head of a dead cat earlier this year. The caption of the photo read, “My first bow kill, lol. The only good feral tomcat is one with an arrow through it’s head! Vet of the year award … Gladly accepted.”

As the investigation unfolded, it was determined that Lindsey killed the neighborhood cat of an elderly couple named Tiger.

In June, a Texas grand jury declined to indict Lindsey on animal cruelty charges, but at a recent meeting, the Texas State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners determined that Lindsey did, in fact, commit a violation. The appropriate punishment has yet to be announced by the board, but is expected sometime in October, according to the KBXT report.

Dr. Lindsey was fired in April from her place of employment.

Read the updated report here.