Licensing Board
License candidates got “second guess” on exam answers
Some candidates for a radiologic technologist license were given second chances on the same day of examination to [...]
Alternative health providers push for fewer licensees on boards
Since the February Supreme Court antitrust ruling that disallowed a North Carolina dentist board from issuing cease and [...]
Architect boards seek to erase “intern” title
Architect boards want a sharper line drawn between licensed architects and those who are still in training. Graduates of [...]
Boards nix naming of dentists charged with crimes
The Arizona dental and medical boards denied requests from a Phoenix ABC news station for lists of doctors and dentists who [...]
Advocacy groups to state AGs: Warn board members they now potentially face personal liability
In the wake of February’s Supreme Court decision in North Carolina State Board of Dental Examiners v. FTC, attorneys [...]
Guns getting go-ahead for some licensing board investigators
As U.S. gun shops continue to rack up record sales, pharmacies and medical offices are becoming more and more likely to have [...]
Auditors again call for axing massage therapy licensing
Massage therapy may well pose the risk of dangerous or unscrupulous activity. But West Virginia auditors don’t think [...]