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Suspended doc who refused to pay child support flees to Kuwait

If you’re a doctor and are divorced with children, you had better pay child support, or you could be out of a license.

A Maryland doctor, Michael Duplessie, has been stripped of his medical license for failing to pay over $100,000 in child support. Alan Levenstein, a Maryland family attorney said the suspension of a medical license for failing to pay child support is rarely seen, and that it seems like an “extreme measure.” The Maryland Board of Practitioners report says Deplessie’s license has been suspended, “The physician`s license to practice medicine is suspended for deliquent child support.”

Other alternatives to suspending or revoking a license that a medical board usually takes include suspending a driver’s license, or withholding wages.

Duplessie’s wife had attempted to win judgments for over nine years to get her unwilling ex-husband to pay child support.

Duplessie, just the fifth doctor in Maryland medical history to have his license taken away for failing to pay child care, has fled to Kuwait where he currently practices, according to the doctor’s website.

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