News Stream

July-August 2010

July-August 2010

  • Cloud over self-regulation: One third of doctors who knew an impaired or incompetent colleague failed to report
  • Illinois scrubs online profiles
  • The online licensing system that wasn’t: Board renewed no licenses for 8 years while spending $1 million on online system, audit finds
  • Massive security breach prompts boards to spend thousands of dollars to suspend some testing
  • Testing processes exempt from open records law
  • Oral exams head for extinction with California move to drop
  • Rules defining negligence not required before imposing discipline
  • Strong evidence of sexual assault warrants revocation
  • Missing 90-day investigation deadline is not fatal to complaint
  • Aggravating circumstances may double original punishment
  • Unhappy complainant? No right to second-guess board
  • Licensee may challenge agreement not to sue over discipline
  • Court refuses to hear challenge of discipline for drug addiction
  • Absenteeism due to alcohol abuse is cause to discipline
  • Board not obliged to ask whether licensee can afford penalty
  • Take Note