Massachusetts adds electronic record-keeping proficiency to medical licensure requirements
As medical records increasingly become digital, licensing requirements are adapting to keep up. Massachusetts physicians, for example, will soon have to prove they are proficient in the use of electronic medical records. The state’s doctors will have to demonstrate the necessary skills to meet the federal Meaningful Use standard, a requirement that physicians install and employ certain adequate medical systems for electronic record keeping.
The demonstration of proficiency, a one-time requirement, takes effect January 2, 2015, according to the Massachusetts Medical Society. All physicians renewing their licenses before March 31, 2015 will be given a one-time waiver of the requirements.
Physicians could demonstrate proficiency in electronic medical records in several ways. If a physician completes three hours of an accredited CME program on electronic health records, for instance, he or she would be considered proficient. Physicians who are participating in or are authorized users of the Massachusetts Health Information Highway would also be considered proficient.
Read more here.